Error and Exception

To deal with the error and exception.






(1) Display the error, exception, or message on the terminal.

subroutine s_print_error(sub, msg)
subroutine s_print_exception(sub, msg)
subroutine s_print_message(sub, msg)

where sub is the name of subroutine or function that emits the error, exception, or message, msg explains the error, exception, or message.

(2) Write the error, exception, or message to external file.

subroutine s_write_error(sub, msg, file_unit)
subroutine s_write_exception(sub, msg, file_unit)
subroutine s_write_message(sub, msg, file_unit)

where sub is the name of subroutine or function that emits the error, exception, or message, msg explains the error, exception, or message, file_unit denotes the handler of external file.