Special Functions
Provide some subroutines to calculate the special functions.
(1) Orthogonal polynomial basis.
subroutine s_leg_basis(lemax, legrd, lmesh, rep_l)
subroutine s_che_basis(chmax, chgrd, cmesh, rep_c)
subroutine s_svd_basis(svmax, svgrd, smesh, rep_s, bose, beta)
means maximum order for legendre orthogonal polynomial, legrd
means number of mesh points for legendre orthogonal polynomial, lmesh
means mesh for legendre orthogonal polynomial in [-1,1], rep_l
saves legendre orthogonal polynomial defined on [-1,1].
means maximum order for chebyshev orthogonal polynomial, chgrd
means number of mesh points for chebyshev orthogonal polynomial, cmesh
means mesh for chebyshev orthogonal polynomial in [-1,1], rep_c
saves chebyshev orthogonal polynomial defined on [-1,1].
means maximum order for svd orthogonal polynomial, svgrd
means number of mesh points for svd orthogonal polynomial, smesh
means mesh for svd orthogonal polynomial in [-1,1], rep_s
saves svd orthogonal polynomial defined on [-1,1], bose
determines whether the bosonic kernel is used, beta
means inverse system temperature $\beta$.
(2) Spheric Bessel function.
subroutine s_sph_jl(lmax, x, jl)
It computes the spherical Bessel functions of the first kind, $j_l(x)$, for argument $x$ and $l = 0, 1, \ldots, l_{max}$.
(3) Bernstein polynomial.
subroutine s_bezier(n, x, bern)
means the degree of the bernstein polynomials to be used. For any given $n$, there is a set of $n + 1$ bernstein polynomials, each of degree $n$, which form a basis for polynomials on [0,1]. x
means the evaluation point. bern
saves the values of the $n+1$ bernstein polynomials at $x$.
(4) Some helper functions for s_svd_basis()
function s_safe_exp(x)
It is a safe exp call to avoid data overflow.
function s_f_kernel(tau, omega, beta)
function s_b_kernel(tau, omega, beta)
They are used to calculate fermionic or bosonic kernel functions. tau
means $\tau$, omega
means $\omega$, beta
means inverse system temperature $\beta$.
Legendre orthogonal polynomial
The Legendre orthogonal polynomials obey the three term recurrence relation, known as Bonnet’s recursion formula:
\[\begin{equation} P_0(x) = 1 \end{equation}\]
\[\begin{equation} P_1(x) = x \end{equation}\]
\[\begin{equation} (n+1) P_{n+1}(x) = (2n+1) P_n(x) - n P_{n-1}(x) \end{equation}\]
Chebyshev orthogonal polynomial
The Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials of the second kind can be defined by the following recurrence relation:
\[\begin{equation} U_0(x) = 1 \end{equation}\]
\[\begin{equation} U_1(x) = 2x \end{equation}\]
\[\begin{equation} U_{n+1}(x) = 2xU_n(x) - U_{n-1}(x) \end{equation}\]
SVD orthogonal polynomial
In the imaginary-frequency domain, the Lehmann representation reads,
\[\begin{equation} G(i\nu) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty d\omega \underbrace{\frac{1}{i\nu - \omega}}_{\equiv K(i\nu, \omega)} A(\omega), \end{equation}\]
where $A(\omega)$ is a spectral function. $K(i\nu,\omega)$ is the so-called analytic continuation kernel. The Lehmann representation can be transformed to the imaginary-time domain as
\[\begin{equation} G(\tau) = -\int_{-\infty}^\infty d\omega K(\tau,\omega) A(\omega), \end{equation}\]
where $0 < \tau < \beta$ and
\[\begin{equation} K(\tau,\omega) \equiv -\frac{1}{\beta} \sum_{i\nu} e^{-i\nu \tau} K(i\nu,\omega)= \begin{cases} \frac{e^{-\tau\omega}}{1+e^{-\beta\omega}} & (\mathrm{fermion}),\\ \frac{e^{-\tau\omega}}{1-e^{-\beta\omega}} & (\mathrm{boson}). \end{cases} \end{equation}\]
The minus sign originates from our convention $K(\tau, \omega) > 0$. To avoid the divergence of the bosonic kernel at $\omega=0$, we reformulate Equation of $G(\tau)$ as
\[\begin{equation} G(\tau)= -\int_{-\infty}^\infty d{\omega} K^\mathrm{L}(\tau,\omega) \rho(\omega), \end{equation}\]
where $K^\mathrm{L}(\tau,\omega)$ is the logistic kernel defined as
\[K^\mathrm{L}(\tau,\omega) = \frac{e^{-\tau\omega}}{1+e^{-\beta\omega}},\]
and $\rho(\omega)$ is the modified spectral function
\[\begin{equation} \rho(\omega) \equiv \begin{cases} A(\omega) & (\mathrm{fermion}),\\ \frac{A(\omega)}{\tanh(\beta \omega/2)} & (\mathrm{boson}). \end{cases} \end{equation}\]
The singular value expnasion of the kernel reads
\[\begin{equation} K^\mathrm{L}(\tau, \omega) = \sum_{l=0}^\infty U_l(\tau) S_l V_l(\omega) \end{equation}\]
for $\omega \in [-\omega_{max}, \omega_{max}]$ with $\omega_{max}$ ($> 0$) being a cut-off frequency. $U_l(\tau)$ and $V_l(\omega)$ are left and right singular functions and $S_l$ is the singular values (with $S_0>S_1>S_2>...>0$). The two sets of singular functions $U$ and $V$ make up the basis functions of the so-called Intermediate Representation (IR), which depends on $\beta$ and the cutoff $\omega_{max}$. For the peculiar choice of the regularization for the bosonic kernel using $K^\mathrm{L}$, these basis functions do not depend on statistical properties. The basis functions $U_l(\tau)$ are transformed to the imaginary-frequency axis as
\[U_l(i\nu) \equiv \int_0^\beta d \tau e^{i\nu\tau} U_l(\tau).\]
Some of the information regarding real-frequency properties of the system is often lost during transition into the imaginary-time domain, so that the imaginary-frequency Green's function does hold less information than the real-frequency Green's function. The reason for using IR lies within its compactness and ability to display that information in imaginary quantities.
The decay of the singular values depends on $\beta$ and $\omega_{max}$ only through the dimensionless parameter $\Lambda \equiv \beta\omega_{max}$.
Spheric Bessel function
The following recursion relation
\[\begin{equation} j_{l+1}(x)=\frac{2l+1}{x}j_l(x)-j_{l-1}(x) \end{equation}\]
is used either downwards for $x < l$ or upwards for $x \ge l$. For $x \ll 1$, the following asymtotic form is used:
\[\begin{equation} j_l(x) \approx \frac{x^l}{(2l+1)!!}. \end{equation}\]
This procedure is numerically stable and accurate to near this machine precision for $l \le 50$.
Bernstein polynomial
The bernstein polynomials are assumed to be based on [0,1]. The formula reads:
\[\begin{equation} B(N,I)(X) = \frac{N!}{I!(N-I)!} (1-X)^{(N-I)} X^I \end{equation}\]
First values:
B(0,0)(X) = 1
B(1,0)(X) = 1-X
B(1,1)(X) = X
B(2,0)(X) = (1-X)**2
B(2,1)(X) = 2 * (1-X) * X
B(2,2)(X) = X**2
B(3,0)(X) = (1-X)**3
B(3,1)(X) = 3 * (1-X)**2 * X
B(3,2)(X) = 3 * (1-X) * X**2
B(3,3)(X) = X**3
B(4,0)(X) = (1-X)**4
B(4,1)(X) = 4 * (1-X)**3 * X
B(4,2)(X) = 6 * (1-X)**2 * X**2
B(4,3)(X) = 4 * (1-X) * X**3
B(4,4)(X) = X**4
Special values:
- B(N,I)(X) has a unique maximum value at X = I/N.
- B(N,I)(X) has an I-fold zero at 0 and and N-I fold zero at 1.
- For X = 1/2,
\[B(N,I)(1/2) = \frac{C(N,K)}{2^N}\]
- For a fixed X and N, the polynomials add up to 1:
\[\sum_{I=0}^{N} B(N,I)(X) = 1\]