
It is an easy task to install the ACFlow toolkit.

First, since it is written in pure Julia language, it is necessary to install the Julia runtime environment in advance. The newest version of Julia is always preferred (version > 1.60). Because the core codes only rely on Julia's built-in standard library, no the third-party packages are needed.

Second, just download source codes of the ACFlow toolkit from its github repository. It should be a compressed file, such as or acflow.tar.gz. Please uncompress it in your favorite directory by using the following commands:

$ unzip


$ tar xvfz acflow.tar.gz

Third, please input the following commands in Julia's REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) environment:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(url = "/home/your_home/acflow/")

Here, Pkg is Julia's built-in package manager, and /home/your_home/acflow is assumed to be the root directory of the ACFlow toolkit. In practice, the users can use the Pkg package to install the ACFlow toolkit from its github repository directly:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(url = "")

So the second step is optional. Furthermore, if the installed ACFlow toolkit is outdated, the users can use the following commands to upgrade ACFlow:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.update("ACFlow")

Finally, in order to generate the documentation, please type the following commands in the terminal:

$ pwd
$ cd docs
$ julia make.jl

After a few seconds, the documentation is built and saved in the acflow/docs/build directory if everything is OK. The home page of the documentation is acflow/docs/build/index.html. The users can open it with any web browsers.


Sometimes in offline environment, the package manager is disable. At this time, we should setup the environment variable ACFLOW_HOME as follows:

$ export ACFLOW_HOME=/home/your_home/acflow/src

And then plug the following code in front of your Julia's scripts:


Or else Julia won't find the ACFlow package.


After v1.8.0, the ACFlow toolkit relies on the Zygote.jl package to calculate gradient. The Zygota.jl package adopts the automatic differentiation approach, which is more efficient than the finite difference method. If the users have trouble in installing the Zygote.jl package, we provide an internal function to bypass it.

Firstly, please disable Zygote in ACFlow.jl.

# using Zygote

Secondly, fix 𝐽!(J::Vector{C64}, x::Vector{C64}) in nac.jl

function 𝐽!(J::Vector{C64}, x::Vector{C64})
    #J .= Zygote.gradient(𝑓, x)[1]

    # Finite difference algorithm
    J .= gradient_via_fd(𝑓, x)

Note that gradient_via_fd() is based on the finite difference method, which is much slower and less accurate than the automatic differentiation approach. It is implemented in the math.jl.