Build quantum impurity solvers: integrally


I want to compile all of the components of quantum impurity solvers. Is it possible?

Of course. It is just a piece of cake. Please follow the following guidelines.


$ cd iqist/build
$ editor
$ make solver

Here editor means any ascii text editor you prefer.

Finally, you will see a lot of executable programs, such as ctqmc, etc., in the iqist/src directory. They are the CT-HYB quantum impurity solvers. You can execute them in the terminal directly.

Build quantum impurity solvers: individually

Sometimes you only need to use some of the quantum impurity solver components of iQIST and you don't want to compile the whole iQIST software package. Are there any tricks to do? Yes! You will not be disappointed with iQIST.

Supposed that what you need is the NARCISSUS component:

Method 1:

$ cd iqist/build
$ editor
$ make ctseg
  1. Here editor means any ascii text editor you prefer.
  2. If the user want to compile the MANJUSHAKA component, please execute
$ make cthyb

After a few minutes, you will find an ctqmc file in the iqist/src/ctseg directory. That is what you need, the executable program for the NARCISSUS component. Then you can add it to the system path, and do your great research.

Method 2:

In this approach, we go to the directory of the NARCISSUS component at first. Then 'make' it as usual.

$ cd iqist/src/ctseg
$ make

Here, we assume that the compiling system was correctly configured.


Now the executable programs will not be copied into the iqist/build directory automatically.