The iQIST Developer Team

Current Maintainer:

Li Huang$^\dagger$

Core Developers:

Li Huang$^\dagger$ and Yilin Wang$^\ddagger$

Key Contributors:

Liang Du$^\rceil$

Directors and Supervisors:

Philipp Werner$^✶$ and Xi Dai$^\lceil$

$^\dagger$ Institute of Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Jiangyou 621900, China

$^\ddagger$ School of Emerging Technology and Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China

$^\rceil$ College of Physics and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China

$^✶$ Department of Physics, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

$^\lceil$ Department of Physics, The Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong, China