The quantum impurity solvers will generate the Coulomb interaction matrix using the $U$ and $J$ parameters provided by you automatically. But sometimes you may want to customize the Coulomb interaction matrix by yourself.
Is it possible within the iQIST code?
Yes, of course.
You can define your Coulomb interaction matrix in the file. And the iQIST codes will read data from it if it is available. Then the default Coulomb interaction matrix will be replaced with the new one. That's all.
The continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo impurity solvers in the general matrix representation, i.e., the MANJUSHAKA, component does not support this file/feature as well.
The format of the file is as follows:
column 1: orbital index $i$, integer
column 2: orbital index $j$, integer
column 3: Coulomb interaction matrix element $U(i,j)$, double precision
In the file, we employed the following orbital sequence: $1\uparrow$, $2\uparrow$, $3\uparrow$, $\cdots$, $1\downarrow$, $2\downarrow$, $3\downarrow$, $\cdots$ Namely, we put the spin up part before the spin down part.
The corresponding Fortran code block for the reading of file is as follows:
open(mytmp, file='', form='formatted', status='unknown')
do i=1,norbs
do j=1,norbs
read(mytmp,*) k, l, rtmp
uumat(k,l) = rtmp
enddo ! over j={1,norbs} loop
enddo ! over i={1,norbs} loop
Usually, you have to edit the file by yourself.