The solver.hist.dat file is used to store the histogram for the perturbation expansion orders of the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo impurity solvers. It will be output by the quantum impurity solvers periodically (every nwrite Monte Carlo sampling steps, see nwrite for more details).
The solver.hist.dat file only contains one block. The format of the block is as follows:
column 1: index of perturbation expansion order, integer
column 2: count of the perturbation expansion order, integer
column 3: percent of the perturbation expansion order, double precision
column 4: error bar of the histogram
The corresponding Fortran code block for the writing of solver.hist.dat file is as follows:
! open data file: solver.hist.dat
open(mytmp, file='solver.hist.dat', form='formatted', status='unknown')
! write it
write(mytmp,'(a)') '# histogram: order | count | percent'
do i=1,mkink
write(mytmp,'(i6,i12,2f12.6)') i-1, int( hint(i) ), haux(i), htmp(i)
enddo ! over i={1,mkink} loop
! close data file
Now we provide a Python module to read the output files of quantum impurity solvers. You can use it to read the solver.hist.dat file. See script/ for more details.