The purpose of this script is to generate the animation movie using the data contained in the solver.diag.dat file.
Python script
First, please edit the configuration parameters (such as inverse temperature $\beta$, number of orbitals norbs, number of frames nsweep/nwrite, etc) in the script carefully, and then execute it in the terminal:
$ ./u_movie.py movie.mp4
Here movie.mp4 is the output file. We can use the VLC to play it. If you don't supply any valid filename, the default output should be diag.mp4.
Usually, the default setting in this script is not good. You have to adjust them again and again to obtain a good mp4 video.
- solver.diag.dat
All of the CT-HYB quantum impurity solvers in the iQIST software package can output the solver.diag.dat file if the nwrite parameter is correctly set.
- movie.mp4
You can specify the output filename by yourself. The suffix must be mp4.
The generated animation movie can be played using the VLC video tool. Sometimes the Quicktime player in the Mac OS X can not play it correctly.