
The first rule of thumb is to get the newest version of iQIST. Unfortunately, the release period for the iQIST software package is not fixed. In other words, it is very difficult to predict that when the new generation of iQIST will be released. There are two ways to get the newest release of iQIST software package.

Method 1:

Download it directly from the online repository. Now we ONLY maintain two repositories:

The newest release of iQIST software package is v0.6.7 @ 2016.02.13T (testing).


Sometimes the latest commit will not be compiled correctly. So, please download the released version of iQIST which has an unique version tag.

Method 2:

Write a letter to one of the core members of the iQIST Developer Team (iDT), i.e.,

  • Dr. Li HUANG


  • Dr. Yilin WANG

As for the relevant contact information, please see Policy.