

The solver.status.dat is used to store the current diagram configuration. In other words, we can treat it as a snapshot of the CT-QMC impurity solvers.

Usually, the quantum impurity solvers will output solver.status.dat file periodically. In the next run, they can reload it in order to reach thermal equilibrium state as soon as possible. In addition, when they meet fatal errors/exceptions, a solver.status.dat will be generated as well. It is very useful for us to diagnose where the bug is.


The solver.status.dat is always generated by the quantum impurity solvers. DO NOT try to modify it by yourself. It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.


The solver.status.dat files generated by various quantum impurity solvers are quite different. In principle you can not mix them. For example, the solver.status.dat generated by the AZALEA component can not be recognized by the BEGONIA component, and vice versa.
