

The solver.prob.dat file is used to store the atomic state probability and related information about the quantum impurity solvers. It will be output by the quantum impurity solvers when they are shut down. We can use the data in it to analyze the valence fluctuation.


The format of the solver.prob.dat file is somewhat complex. It contains three blocks. They show the probabilities for atomic states, orbitals, and spins, respectively. In the first block, the fifth column is used to represent the error bar.


For the MANJUSHAKA and PANSY components, there is an additional block for showing the probabilities for sectors/superstates.


The corresponding Fortran code block for the writing of solver.prob.dat file is as follows:

! open data file: solver.prob.dat
     open(mytmp, file='solver.prob.dat', form='formatted', status='unknown')

! write it
     write(mytmp,'(a)') '# state probability: index | prob | occupy | spin'
     do i=1,ncfgs
         write(mytmp,'(i6,4f12.6)') i, prob(i), noccs(i), soccs(i) * half, perr(i)
     enddo ! over i={1,ncfgs} loop

     write(mytmp,'(a)') '# orbital probability: index | occupy | prob'
     do i=0,norbs
         write(mytmp,'(i6,2f12.6)') i + 1, real(i), oprob(i)
     enddo ! over i={0,norbs} loop
     write(mytmp,'(a6,12X,f12.6)') 'sum', sum(oprob)

     write(mytmp,'(a)') '# spin probability: index | spin | prob'
     do i=-nband,nband
         write(mytmp,'(i6,2f12.6)') i + nband + 1, i * half, sprob(i)
     enddo ! over i={-nband,nband} loop
     write(mytmp,'(a6,12X,f12.6)') 'sum', sum(sprob)

! close data file

In the HIBISCUS component, we provide a Python module to read the output files of quantum impurity solvers. You can use it to read the solver.prob.dat file. See script/ for more details.