Maximum entropy method


In the Monte Carlo community, the maximum entropy method[1] is often employed to extract the impurity spectral function $A(\omega)$ from the imaginary-time Green's function $G(\tau)$. Thus, in the HIBISCUS component, we implemented the standard maximum entropy algorithm. In the E-DMFT calculations, sometimes we have to perform analytical continuation for the retarded interaction function $U(i\nu)$ to obtain $U(\nu)$. So we developed a modified version of the maximum entropy method to enable this calculation.

The HIBISCUS/entropy code is often used to perform the analytical continuation to build impurity spectral function from imaginary-time Green's function using the well-known maximum entropy method. In principle, it solves the Laplace transformation

\[ G(\tau) = \int K(\tau,\omega) A(\omega) d\omega\]

where $K(\tau,\omega)$ is the so-called kernel function. Its definition is as follows:

\[ K(\tau,\omega) = \frac{ \exp{(-\tau\omega)} }{1.0+\exp{(-\beta\omega)}}\]


The code is originally written by

**Anders W. Sandvik**
*Akademi University, Finland*

and modified and improved by the iQIST Developer Team using Fortran 90 language.


$ ./entropy


$ mpiexec -n number_of_cores ./entropy

The HIBISCUS/entropy code also support the MPI parallelism. So you can apply MPI to improve the computational accuracy of it.


  • tau.grn.dat (necessary)
  • (necessary)

The tau.grn.dat file contains the $G(\tau)$ data. It has to be generated using the HIBISCUS/toolbox/maketau code.

See also toolbox/maketau for more details.

The file contains all of the necessary control parameters for the HIBISCUS/entropy code. The syntax of it is the same with the file. As for the valid control parameters, please see the following text.

See also for more details.


  • mem.dos.dat
  • mem.sum.dat

The impurity spectral function $A(\omega)$ is stored in the mem.dos.dat file. In the mem.sum.dat file, the sum-rules for the impurity spectral function are examined.


In the following, we will show the original definitions for the control parameters:

!!>>> integer variables                                                <<<

! number of imaginary time slices sampling by continuous time or hirsh-fye
! quantum Monte Carlo quantum impurity solver
     integer, public, save :: ntime = 129

! number of frequency points on half axis, energy range can be expressed by
! [ -wstep * nwmax, wstep * nwmax ]
     integer, public, save :: nwmax = 200

! maximum number of cycles for classic maximum entropy method
     integer, public, save :: niter = 20

! number of smooth runs for classic maximum entropy method
     integer, public, save :: ntune = 20

! number of annealing steps per classic maximum entropy method cycle
     integer, public, save :: nstep = 4000

! number of bands
     integer, public, save :: nband = 1

! number of orbitals
     integer, public, save :: norbs = 2

! the way the default model function is build
! if ntype == 0, gaussian model
! if ntype == 1, flat model
     integer, public, save :: ntype = 1

!!>>> real variables                                                   <<<

! initial alpha parameter
     real(dp), public, save :: ainit = 1200._dp

! it is the deviation from the average green's function
     real(dp), public, save :: devia = 0.001_dp

! \beta, inversion of real temperature
     real(dp), public, save :: beta  = 10.00_dp

! gauss broadening parameter, used to build the default model
     real(dp), public, save :: sigma = 1.600_dp

! delta frequency, step of real frequency grid
     real(dp), public, save :: wstep = 0.025_dp

Recipe: how to convert $G(\tau)$ to $A(\omega)$ using the HIBISCUS/entropy code

Step 1:

Perform CT-HYB or HF-QMC calculations, generate a file or multiple````* files.

Step 2:

Using the HIBISCUS/toolbox/maketau to post-process the file or````* files. The output should be tau.grn.dat file.

Step 3:

Edit the file, setup reasonable control parameters.

Step 4:

Execute the HIBISCUS/entropy code, the tau.grn.dat and files are necessary inputs.

Step 5:

Validate the impurity spectral function $A(\omega)$ in the mem.dos.dat file. That is what you need.

Step 6:

Now you can use the data in mem.dos.dat file to generate beautiful figures, or use the other tools to postprocess it again.

  • 1M. Jarrell and J. Gubernatis, Phys. Rep. 269, 133 (1996).