Common service module library

In order to facilitate the development of scientific software, we gather some numerical algorithms, datatypes, and constants, and implement them as common Fortran modules. They are widely used in the iQIST software package and the other private projects. The collection of these modules is the so-called common service module library, abbreviated CSML in this manual.

The source codes of the CSML are stored in the iqist/src/base directory. You can compile them via the following commands:

$ cd iqist/build
$ make base


$ cd iqist/src/base
$ make

The CSML contains many files (modules). Next we will introduce them one by one, so that the developers can be familiar with their functionality and limitations. Except where stated explicitly, these modules could be used individually.


This is not a API reference documentation. You should read the source codes by yourself to obtain detailed information.


module constants

Some selected physical and numerical constants are provided in this modules, such as $\pi$ and $1i$.


module leja

In this module, the Newton-Leja polynomial interpolation algorithm is implemented, which is used to evaluate

\[|\psi_f\rangle = e^{-H\tau} | \psi_i \rangle.\]

Now this module is only useful for the CAMELLIA component.


module linkedlist

As is well known, the linked list is a very useful datatype. In this module, a generic linked list is implemented. In the iQIST software package, this module is used to implement a parser for the configuration files.


module mmpi

In this module, some important MPI calls are decorated to simpler forms.


module parser


module skynet


module sparse


module spring


module stack