Parameter: nmonte


How many Monte Carlo sampling steps the physical observables should be measured.



Default value



For all components except for the DAISY component.


Every nmonte Monte Carlo sampling steps, the quantum impurity solvers try to measure the physical observables. The affected physical observables are as follows:

  • Impurity occupancy, $\langle n_{\alpha} \rangle$, $\langle n_{\alpha}n_{\beta} \rangle$,
  • Impurity Matsubara Green's function, $G(i\omega_n)$,
  • Spin-spin correlation function, $\langle S_z(0) S_z(\tau) \rangle$, $\chi_{\text{sp}}(i\nu_n)$,
  • Orbital-orbital correlation function, $\langle n_{\alpha}(0) n_{\beta}(\tau)\rangle$, $\chi_{\text{ch}}(i\nu_n)$,
  • Momentum of kinetic energy, $\langle k^2 \rangle - \langle k \rangle^2$,
  • Fidelity susceptibility, $\langle k_L k_R \rangle - \langle k_L \rangle \langle k_R \rangle$,
  • Two-particle Green's function, $\chi(i\omega_n,i\omega_n,i\nu_n)$,
  • Two-particle vertex function, $\mathcal{F}(i\omega_n,i\omega_n,i\nu_n)$,
  • Pairing susceptibility, $\Gamma(i\omega_n,i\omega_n,i\nu_n)$,.

The measuring period for the other physical observables are controlled by the ncarlo parameter. See also ncarlo parameter for more details.


The histogram for the perturbation expansion series is measured in each Monte Carlo sampling step.


You can increase nmonte to relieve the auto-correlation of physical observables between two successive measurements. However, large nmonte will waste the CPU times. It is recommended that a good nmonte should satisfy the following relation:

\[\text{nmonte} * \text{P}_{\text{insert}} >= 1.0\]

Here, $\text{P}_{\text{insert}}$ means the accepted ratio for the insert update actions.