
The HIBISCUS component contains lots Fortran codes. They are extremely useful for the post-processing and prep-processing procedures. So we collect them and name them as a toolbox of iQIST. These codes are in the iqist/src/tools/hibiscus/toolbox directory.

  • toolbox/makechi // Magnetic susceptibility $\chi$.
  • toolbox/makedos // Density of states $\rho(\epsilon)$ for lattice models.
  • toolbox/makekra // Kramers-Kronig transformation for impurity spectral function $A(\omega)$.
  • toolbox/makescr // Screening spectral function $W(\omega)$ and screening function $K(\tau)$.
  • toolbox/makesig // Pade approximation for self-energy function $\Sigma(i\omega_n)$.
  • toolbox/makestd // Post-processing self-energy function $\Sigma(i\omega_n)$.
  • toolbox/maketau // Post-processing imaginary-time Green's function $G(\tau)$.
  • toolbox/makeups // Evaluate XAS and UPS from $A(\omega)$.