Parameter: isscr


It is a key control flag, which specifies what kind of impurity Hamiltonian model need to be solved. Usually, the quantum impurity solvers in the iQIST software package only support the Hubbard model/Anderson impurity model. But with the help of the NARCISSUS component, we have several other choices.



Default value



Only for the NARCISSUS component.


There are five possible values for the isscr parameters so far:

  • isscr = 1, normal Hubbard model/Anderson impurity model ($U$ is static)

  • isscr = 2, Holstein-Hubbard model

  • isscr = 3, Dynamic screening effect ($U$ is frequency-dependent), palsmon pole model

  • isscr = 4, Dynamic screening effect ($U$ is frequency-dependent), ohmic model

  • isscr =99, Dynamic screening effect ($U$ is frequency-dependent), realistic materials

When isscr = 1, lc and wc are ignored.

When isscr = 2, lc means the electron-phonon coupling constant $\lambda$, and wc phonon vibration frequency $\omega_{0}$. The dynamical $U$ is built analytically.

When isscr = 3, lc and wc just mean the control parameters $\lambda$ and $\omega^{'}$, respectively. The dynamical $U$ is built analytically.

When isscr = 4, lc and wc just mean the control parameters $\alpha$ and $\omega_{c}$, respectively. The dynamical $U$ is built analytically.

When isscr = 99, wc is ignored and lc means the shift for interaction matrix and chemical potential. The dynamical $U$ is read from the file. Please see for more details.


When you want to use the quantum impurity solvers contained in iQIST software package in extended-DMFT calculations, the isscr parameter must be considered.

When isscr = 1, 3, 4, or 99, you can use the combination of improved estimator and orthogonal polynomial technology to measure $G$ and $\Sigma$. In other words, in such cases, the isort parameter can be any values (isort $\in [1,6]$). On the other hand, when isscr = 2, the orthogonal polynomial technology is useful as well ($G$ is accurate), but the improved estimator for $\Sigma$ and vertex function does not work any more! So in this case, you can not setup isort to 4, 5, or 6. See isort parameter for more details.

isscr = 2 is not compatible with the p = 3 bit of the isvrt parameter. Then if you want to study the two-particle Green's function and vertex function of the Holstein-Hubbard model, you can only set the p = 2 bit of the isvrt parameter. Consult isvrt parameter for more details.

Please refer to lc and wc parameters for more details.