Parameter: nvect


Number of selected eigen-vectors (maximum value is ncfgs, minimum value is 1) for the calculation of local operator trace.



Default value



Only for the CAMELLIA component.


In the CAMELLIA component, we used the Newton-Leja interpolation algorithm to calculate the local operator trace. In this algorithm, we have to consider the time evolution of each eigenvectors of the local Hamiltonian. In order to improve the computational efficiency, we applied the truncation approximation further. In other words, we only keep a few eigenvectors in the calculations. And nvect is the number of the selected eigenstates.

If we only retain the ground states, it is the $O(1)$ approximation. If both the ground states and the first low-lying states are retained, it is the $O(2)$ approximation. According to our experience, for low temperature system, the $O(1)$ approximation is reasonable. Obviously, the larger nvect is, the more accurate and slower the calculation will be.


The CAMELLIA component is not ready now.